Results my clients celebrate


»I closed my 7-figure business. I moved across the country, full of hope and expectation. 2 years later I had spent all of my savings on a home decor business. I had 150k of inventory I couldn't seem to sell. Somehow, I didn't care, my calling was coaching. I couldn’t get a client to save my life. I borrowed more money. I hated on myself. I hammered on myself; I made more calls. I still couldn't move the needle. I had 2 coaches at the time I hired Sara. I wrote a five-figure check for a month's intensive that she dared me to manifest. Wow- I did it in 24 hours. We started work. She lit me on fire. I died a thousand deaths, one after another as we went into the heart of my relationship to myself and money and work. Just when a would rise a bit, another wave of trouble and fire. She never, ever, left me. We WORKED. I was a storm of trouble and effect and questions. Sara cut me open. She is absolutely fearless, unflinching, courageous, wise, insightful, intuitive. At the end of our month together - she dared me again to step out into the light of my talents and abilities. She dared me to take care of myself. She told me maybe I couldn't… Somehow, I had the courage to continue to resist. Which I needed to hear because it was what I was thinking anyway. I hammered on myself. And I was able to choose a new way. The way of freedom and creativity. The way of faith and inspired action. The way I really want to work. My heart is sprouting green again-after the fire burned everything away that didn't belong. I am alive. I have a reinvented relationship to myself and my work and most of all my living. The past is sleep, and part of my glorious way forward. Work is becoming play. And I am worth it. I have new clients; I am getting paid the fees I deserve. And dear reader, so are you. Hire Sara, but only if you are ready to surrender EVERYTHING that doesn't belong. Trust, commit, and watch what happens as this woman does her work. Watch your life ignite- and breathe the clean air of self-respect, inspiration, and confidence again. Thank you Sara- you deserve every success.«
- Craig G.
»Working with Sara was amazing, she had both strategic knowledge and inner guidance. The process was logical and a huge amount of information was provided; it has changed my business and also had an unexpected and lovely impact on my personal life; my fiancé who is very business orientated was utterly proud of my accomplishments with Sara which has put our relationship onto another level. It really is all inside of us; that is also a challenging part but utterly necessary. Working on my business with Sara impacted not just my sales but also upped the quality of my interactions with my clients, gave me new openings in my life realising that I can transform my life from the rat race to a life I desire, my confidence has become more solidified and I my body wants to become more healthy.«
- Kris C.
»I never ceases to amaze me what a phenom coach she is on so many levels. She blends seamlessly deep listening, open mind and heart, unconventional approach, call me on my stories (story / shit), and then digs in gently and deeply to help me realize what I most desire and require. After almost 25 years of working on this particular thing, it finally bloomed in all its magic. As I am with it I am in profound tears of awe and joy to see it come to life. Sara held the space to help make it happen. She believed when I forgot to believe. She never gave up when I was ready to do so. And she did this not only in person but energetically. I am excited to be me again. Replenished, refreshed, playing in the vision that is asking to be born. Knowing with greater clarity who I am here to serve. And approaching it in my own unconventional way. Very clear on love me or leave me, your choice. And if you want to play deep (feel like a quarterback lol), lets roll up our sleeves and go for it.«
»Wow I feel like I have received angelic revelation. I am choosing not to let the hope slip through my fingertips as just a passing notice. I am playing with the pieces. I am deeply gratefor for you. I love where we played today. I am grateful for all the ways you have supported me to be me in a way that no one else has ever supported me. I am profoundly like wow that was amazing. Just wanted to let you know how much I adore and love you. Mwaah!«
»You don't tell people what they want to hear you tell them what they need to hear. I love that you're fully aligned with what you do and you're the REAL DEAL. I love the beautiful woman that you BE... An epic business owner, wife & mother!! all of the toughest roles in the world and you handle it with ease.«
»Sara can help you get to the bottom of who you have to become to get where you want to go. It's a question with many deep layers to the answer.«
- Linda Lopeke
- Kelly Campbell
»Sara's game level is not for beginners and lazy-on-the-inner-work ones, but it sets you free. Her work is carefully crafted for top leaders and new world spiritual entrepreneurs who KNOW their vision is here for a specifically profound and powerful reason that will be birthed into this world through their own allowance, awareness and ability to accept resistance and work their way around it..right to the CORE of their existence. The power of that vision means (in human metrics) $100K Booked after ONE Call with her and/or realising + processing + doing the whole "to the end of the world" moving process that was calling you forth, but your ego didn't let you GO with it...and much more. Sara's insight, clarity and unique way of connecting the dots made it not only possible but she made sure it was DONE deal...for those clients. And what everybody needs right NOW is a guide, a translator a "google for my personal and business growth" that besides being a badass business manager and business owner, has a huge heart and is a conscious parent to 2 adorable girls who will live Sara's vision of an empowered female role already while growing up. She is going deep and bold and directly to the source. No one does what she can do...if you let her. No one does it in the way she does it and in the time frame she does it (think...Matrix Movie while you are on 100X Red Bull's) A modern Superstar, that merges the unseen with the seen and shows you ways how to profit from your purpose while choosing to work less and deliver more. If that is what you are looking for.«
- Helena P.
»Sara has spent her life strategizing for CEOs to create hundreds of thousands of dollars. She KNOWS what she is doing.«
- Becky D.
"You certainty play a bigger game than most. Keep up your awesomeness!"
- Andy
»Sara thank you for everything. Talking with you yesterday was so productive for me. Then I learned you were a champion athlete. And I understand about the sacrifices you made. And how hard and glorious it must have been. It brings tears to my eyes as I think about it. That's exactly what I want for me. The sacrifice, challenge and the glory of achievement. Thank you Sara. You really walk the talk. And that's golden.«
»Very grateful for this ongoing soul sister that just keeps bringing in my feelings of awe and magic as symbolized by the very classy and clean unicorn. I have somehow managed to become more negative, more shut off, more self judgemental and more low vibe at the moment than before I started. WTF! Hopefully, this is the storm before the breakthrough - but I do see how I have created this ALL myself. AND thanks to Sara, I now see that this low vibe, survival mentality is a comfort zone for me.«
Beth V.
»Super thx to the amazing Sara Oblak Speicher who ABSOLUTELY rocked my world in one afternoon full of magical insights and solid business advice! In 48hrs I'd already made my investment back, and as of 5 days later I've quadrupled my investment back! When the student is ready, the teacher appears!«
- Johanna G.
»LOVE the work that you do to help people women expand their business passion without hampering their other passions and priorities. I feel like I am always on a path of extremes - working nonstop, tireless during the week and then in utter collapse on the weekend! Thank you for the richness you bring to the world and for now, being a part of mine!«