• Make Your Life Your Legacy



  • Inspiration, Education & Empowerment

    I have delivered speeches, masterclasses, workshops, presentations, and interviews to audiences

    virtually and in person;

    from intimate groups to large events; from professional organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs to athletic teams and, students; in the USA, Europe, and audiences from around the world.

    CUSTOMIZED to your needs, available in ENGLISH & SLOVENE.

    "I personally admire your strength and empowerment in public speaking. Down to earth, inviting, articulate, easy to relate to."


    "Vsec mi je bila tvoja zgodba in nauki, se kar prepoznam!"

    "You inspired me to dare walking on unknown paths and being authentic. Thank you!"


    "Z veseljem sem te poslušala in se našla v veliko opisih. Čeprav smo vsaka svoj unikat, v notranjosti vse bijemo podobne bitke s seboj. Skratka, začutila sem te."

    "Thank you for being real and vulnerable. You gave me hope that this rough patch I am going through will get better."


    "Res hvala za vse iskrene zgodbe in nekak pljusk vode v obraz - ker polno stvari sem ze nekako sama dala skozi in sem ti samo kimala z glavo ko si govorila, ampak se vedno veliko novega izvedela. Hvala za res topel pristop."

    "You are like a glass of Bordeaux - full and earthy. You make me feel safe. You ignite me, open me up, and bring out the best in me."


    "Kar mravljince sem dobila ob tvoji izpovedi! Tako srčno, iskreno, in pogumno!"

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    Whether it's from a stage or guesting on a podcast, radio or TV, I don't just give the audience inspiring aha-moments, clarity, courage, and practical and easy-to-implement strategies...


    ... Behind each story, experience, and lesson there is the soul of a woman; the heart of a mother; the free spirit of a world traveler; the energy of an international athlete; the leadership of a leap-taker; the power of an entrepreneur; and limitless possibilities of a visionary.


    Whether it's 90 minutes, 6 hours, or 3 days, the frameworks are designed so that the audience receives:

    - Breakthrough ideas

    - Individual attention & support

    - Possible solutions to specific issues

    - Opportunities for immediate practical application

    - New toolbox and clear direction



    Currently, the most sought-after topics are: 

    • From First Impressions to Realizing Our Biggest Dreams - Misconceptions that hold us back & 3 Cs that make all the difference in making life-altering decisions, and successfully navigating the daily towards our goals
    • Returning to Slovenia - Experiences, challenges, and opportunities when our families come with us
    • The American Dream - Crucial strategic, tactical, leadership, and mindset shifts to bridge communication, cultural, and customs gaps when integrating US and Slovenian operations.
    • There Is "I" in Team - Self-initiative, interpersonal relations, conscious decision-making, and visioning (for athletic, business & corporate teams, and private relationships)

    And also:

    • A Heart with Two Homes - Living in the USA for 18 years as an athlete, scholar, mom, business owner, and foreigner
    • Life After Having It All Is Just The Beginning - A journey from an elite athlete through burnout & depression to finding my true self
    • Reimagine The Possible - Building & rebuilding a business that supports our priorities, vision, mission, and purpose (and not the other way around)
    • Transcending Time Management - Expanding time, mental, and energetic capacities to call in, hold, maneuver, and create more

    For the Bio, Press Kit, and to commission me to speak at your event, contact me.

    AS SEEN IN...


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  • The Domel players were enriched with the story, experiences, and inspiration by Sara. Through a relaxed conversation, Sara gave us clues in the areas of self-initiative, interpersonal relations within the team, the role of conscious decision-making, and visioning. With fairly simple questions, she "threw us a bone", which we each began to gnaw at; we will try to follow the advice and recommendations step by step or "bite by bite". Thank you for an amazing evening and we can't wait for the next meeting. - Klavdija Oblak, Head Coach